Create Report

Custom Reports - Create Report Wizard

Reports are built in K2 Workspace through the Report Designer. To start a new report, select the Create Report button on the lower far right corner of the page. The following wizard will be presented:


Fig. 1. K2 Create Report Wizard

The Create Report wizard consist of the following steps:


Fig. 2. K2 Report Wizard step menu

Step What it is
  1. Report info and type
Select the way in which the data must be represented, such as a Tabular Report
  1. Data source
Select the Primary Data Source displaying the SmartObject properties
  1. Data layout
Create the Report Column headings by dragging the required SmartObject properties onto the design canvas
  1. Summarize the data
A summary filter can be added to each column of the report allowing the summarization of data
  1. Filter the data
Allows the user to build filters and filter conditions for the report
  1. Style your report
The report's look and feel can be customized by changing the font and column options
  1. Finish
Completes the Add Report template allowing the user to view, publish the report or create a new Report
  • The Create Report step menu is located on the left hand side of the wizard screen. As the user steps through the wizard the current step will be displayed in green in the step menu. To access the various wizard pages click on the required step in the step menu.
  • The default number of records to return is set to 1000.  This can easily be increased or decreased by editing the web.config file located in <install drive>:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\WorkSpace\Site.  Update the <add key="RowLimitRecordCount" value="1000" /> value.



See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)